
Enjoy Books Written by D. Adiba


This book is for women trying to find their “right” place when so much of what they have had faith in has gone wrong. Modern women that are cynical about dating, who have no partner, children or career to speak of and are seeking fulfillment.

Excert from Chapter 1

As she lay there breathing heavily, her mind wandered to the kiss and the intensity she’d seen in his eyes. She had to admit that it felt nice to be held by him in that way. It had been so long since she had been close to a man, and the astonishing fact that she was still a virgin on this sexually charged island was a constant source of shame and insecurity.
He had cast a spell on her and she could not reason it away easily. Desi was somewhat attractive—arresting even. What’s more, he had succeeded in planting a seed of desire in her where so many others had failed.
Aya could not believe she was even entertaining the notion. Nonetheless, by the early hours of that morning, Aya had convinced herself that Mr. Franklyn was right. Not only would she marry him, she would do it right away.
When he called to follow up on his request a few moments later, she noticed he wasn’t the least bit surprised by her acceptance. He would pick her up the following evening without a word to anyone.

Praise & Reviews

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The Caribbean setting is honestly presented. The author if faithful to writing a story in which male/female dynamics and norms, sexuality and fidelity as experienced in the Caribbean are the backdrop. She writes a Caribbean narrative with no apologies.
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One the other hand the struggles the main character Aya Daniels faces are universal for women. We all exist in the struggle between society's expectations and who we are and what we want to be: Aya, the sexual woman; Aya the mother (or not); what is worth compromising in order to have the career we want; does marriage mean settling for one thing or another; can we have it all?
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There are no angels in this story - only people. They are mostly decent but all capable of being devious in pursuit of their self-interest. Sound familiar? Decent people can still have miserable relationships despite good intentions. There's no accounting for mismatched expectations!

The Wrong Way to Wright Book Trailer

♬ original sound - theadibaspot

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